Complex Cases

The focus when dealing with horses exhibiting undesirable behaviors is finding the root cause not simply masking the symptoms. The goal is to develop emotional regulation and the ability to stay present by setting clear boundaries and trying to stay under threshold initially, gradually expand their comfort zone, and build confidence down the road.

I believe horses offer us the best they have in the moment and it’s our job to determine if lack of education, emotional distress, or physical restrictions/pain, are influencing their behavior. Undesirable behaviors are often the only way they feel they can communicate.

Horses that fall in this category, usually need a lot of time. Time to build trust, time to determine if the problem is physical or emotional, and time to unlearn unwanted behaviors and replace them with acceptable ones. The reeducation process isn’t something that can be rushed.

A 30 day evaluation period is required. During this time, training, diet, hoof balance, and dentistry will be assessed, and different bodywork modalities applied. I will also develop a custom training plan and estimated timeframe. The timeframe is flexible and will vary based on the severity of the issues. Rehabilitating a horse is a long term investment.

  • 30 day evaluation: $1800

  • Subsequent months: $1500

This video tells Diver’s story. He is one of my favorite horses I’ve had the pleasure to work with and a beautiful example of the physical and emotional transformation that is possible with the gift of time and a second chance. He was with me for a year.

“Thank you for transforming him in such a gentle way by supporting his spirit and allowing him to grow at his own pace. You put such a great foundation on him and took such great care of him. I’m extremely thankful to have met a trainer of your caliber.”

~ Diver’s new owner, Michelle 



Mystic was fearful, anxious, and not interested in connecting with people. With time and thoughtful training, his confidence grew and his personality started to shine through.